If you are not satisfied with goods or services that you have paid for, you have certain legal rights. If you have a tangible product, you should be able to return this to the shop and you may be entitled to a refund, replacement or repair. It can be harder to “return” a service, but you still have legal rights if you are unhappy with what you have been provided with. Read more
Consumer advice on problems with purchases.
Warranties and guarantees are both legal contracts which add to your legal rights as a consumer. Different products come with different warranties or guarantees, so you may need to check the terms and conditions associated with your particular product.
A warranty or guarantee is particularly useful if; Read more
Whenever you buy an item in Northern Ireland, you are afforded certain legal rights in connection to that purchase. If there is a problem with the item, then you may be entitled to a replacement, repair or refund for the cost of the item. You still have consumer rights, even if the item that you purchased was bought secondhand. Read more